Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Where is baby?

Not here yet! The little booger. So, in lieu of pictures of baby, here are pictures of our current babies!

Bosco likes to plop down on Bruno. Or me. Or anyone/anything around. And they both like to lay in the sun. Weirdos.

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Bruno usually has his tongue out. This is an odd moment.

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Sleepy face? Should be, since he’s laying on my bed. AKA The couch.

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Here’s Bruno’s sleepy face. Again, on my bed. Maybe if I “made” my bed every morning (pick it all up, throw on actual bed), they wouldn’t have the chance to lounge on my sheets and pillows.

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This is how we spend our days. Except normally I’m not taking pictures; I’m laying on the other side of the couch. Sometimes with a dog face in my own. Good thing they’re cute.

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On to other things (the only semi-baby related thing today):

I made a lamp! Okay, so I broke a lamp (on accident) and took the cord and shade and put it in a vase. It sat around the kitchen for a couple of weeks because I couldn’t figure out how to make the shade stay in the vase nice and straight. Turns out if you take a paper towel roll (okay, one and a half) and hot glue it to the base of the shade it will stand up straight! Then I wrapped some ribbon around it. So it’s not something you’d buy at Pier 1 (where my original beautiful lamp came from) but it works. AND it matches. Because inside that shade (which oddly looks shiny. It is not.) is fabric that matches the curtains. *Insert me doing a silly “woohoo” dance here*

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I’m going to plant flowers today, since my parents are here and can help. And by plant, I mean put them in pots and hanging baskets. Because our hanging basket flowers died many many moons ago. They look sad. So do I, when I look at them. See the dead flowers? Poor dead flowers. (Be happy you don’t see the old man across the street mowing his lawn with no shirt on. We’ve got a fun neighborhood.)

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And here are the flowers and “pots” we’re putting them in. *See the mulch? We did that on Sunday. I almost died.*

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We got the moisture control potting soil, since I tend to forget to water the flowers. *See picture above of dead flowers. Maybe I’ll get pictures of them when they’re potted. We’ll see.

Hopefully we have some good news to post this week about baby. I doubt it. Oh well, he’ll come when he comes.

1 comment:

  1. Your lamp looks great! I hope your baby comes soon, it is soo hard to wait! -Chelsey


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