Saturday, September 1, 2012

Birthday Pictures / Mason and Mia’s last hurrah


I’m only putting up some birthday pictures, oh, a month and half after his birthday. I do what I do. First up, some pictures from Mason’s birthday party with his Nana and Papa.

Baby Mason 001Baby Mason 002Baby Mason 007Baby Mason 009Baby Mason 017Baby Mason 020Baby Mason 021Baby Mason 022Baby Mason 023Baby Mason 024Baby Mason 025

Mason got a rocking chair from his Nana and Papa. He’s inspecting it.

Baby Mason 027Baby Mason 028Baby Mason 029

‘I wonder if I can get those balloons if I stand on this chair?’

Baby Mason 030Baby Mason 031Baby Mason 032

‘Oh yeah, I could get those balloons from here.’

Baby Mason 035Baby Mason 037

‘See my teeth?!’

Baby Mason 038

Mason and Mia’s joint birthday party!

Baby Mason 041Baby Mason 042Baby Mason 043Baby Mason 044Baby Mason 047Baby Mason 054Baby Mason 056Baby Mason 057Baby Mason 058Baby Mason 059Baby Mason 060Baby Mason 061

Anyone else think these two are just too cute?!

Mason and Mia’s last hurrah!

The kids with their dads

Baby Mason 067

‘Hey Mason, mind if I get a little closer?’

Baby Mason 068

‘Oh you don’t mind? Okay!’

Baby Mason 069

The kids with their moms! Look how cute we all are! (See Mia’s arm sneaking up there on Mason’s shoulder? She loves him. We just know it.)

Baby Mason 070

‘Mason, can I just get ONE hug before you move?!’

Baby Mason 072

‘Yay! A hug!’ (Don’t mind his face, he really loved it. So did us moms, as you can tell by our AWWWWW faces.)

Baby Mason 073

Mia- ‘Now can I get a kiss?’

Mason- ‘Don’t push it, lady.’

Baby Mason 074


Baby Mason 075

The movers will be taking our stuff out to Missouri on Wednesday, so we should be back in MO by Thursday! Mason can’t wait to see his Nana and Papa, and then the week later see his Kansas family!