Friday, September 9, 2011

Mason’s 6th, 7th, and 8th week :)

Okay, so I forgot to post anything for awhile. So sue me.

Mason’s been doing really well and getting bigger every day. I put him in his bumbo seat last night and he sat there with his head up the whole time! I’ll have to take a picture sometime, when I can find my camera again. We went back home to Missouri last week and I’m sure the camera is somewhere!

During Masons 6th week my friend Marci came to visit- it was great! She helped out by holding him whenever I needed- I wish she would have stayed forever Smile 

We went to a Pirates game that Saturday and the poor kid was passed out the whole time. Everyone around us was so surprised that he was behaving so well (cue happy mama). Here are some pictures, thanks to Marci!

We had lunch at some place in the Strip District in Pittsburgh- Man Vs. Food came there! It was just okay, but I didn’t order breakfast so that’s probably why. Mason got fussy and had to eat, so Nathan helped out and fed him while I finished eating.

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Family picture! That’s PNC Park behind us, and the river.

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This was just after we sat down, before it got hot and I had to take Mason out of the wrap. Notice he is passed out. Go Mason.

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Poor kid couldn’t hold his own head up, so he looks like he’s sitting funny. Also, he was naked baby! Everyone thought he was cute in his little diaper. Smile

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I’m not choking him. I’m not!

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Here you can see where he lost the hair only on the top of his head Smile He looks like a little old man.

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He’s grown that hair back, except now it’s blonde. We have a blonde kid! I’m gonna have to start coloring my hair blonde so people don’t look at us funny. They won’t know that my hair was naturally blonde until college.

We went home to Missouri and Mason got to meet EVERYONE. His Aunts: Katie and Spencer. His Great-Grandparents: Nathan’s Nana, and my grandma and grandpa Shaw and grandma and grandpa Barnett. He also met his Great-Great Grandma! It was pretty special. While we were home he also got to meet his great-aunt Teresa and Nathan’s cousins Mel and Kayla, and our church family. Whew. I’m sure I missed out on someone, but holy moly we were busy.

He was a trooper through our trip though! Including the drive (almost 15 hours, thankyouverymuch) He only got fussy when he was hungry or had a dirty diaper. In which case we pulled off the interstate and I changed him on my lap. While he screamed. It was no fun.

I’m trying to remember what else happened the last couple of weeks, but my mind is empty. Plus Mason is crying. That’ll do it. Smile

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