Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Week 31

We’re 30 total weeks down! Our countdown clock says we have 62 days left before this little guy is officially due. We’re trying to get everything ready, but the main part of it is his room, and it still has the cedar chest and (extremely heavy) TV in it… that I, sadly, can’t help carry to the basement. (Sadly as in: Haha, I can’t help!, and also as in the fact that I’m such a “go-getter” that those suckers would have been moved months ago if I were the incredible hulk. Alas, I am not.) I mentioned those items again to Nathan last night and I got the usual “Yeah, I’ll get to them” (because that’s how we do it around here). When I mentioned that if baby came at 37 weeks we could have a little one around here in only 6 weeks; boy did that freak him out! I swear he stopped breathing for a minute. Granted, little one can still come in 8 weeks, or even later than that, but I’d rather be prepared than painting his room a week after he’s here. (Either way we’re using no-VOC paint, so it won’t harm him!)

Now for the pictures!!

Week 31- I put on my old shorts (thank you, hair tie, for “buttoning” them up.) But hey, at least I can still fit into them, except for that belly, of course.


And, since Nathan was at work, this is how I took that awful wonderful picture!


Hehe. Our counter height chair with the sewing machine box on top of it. I’m nothing if not creative. If I could have had Bruno sit long enough for the camera to sit on his head, well, goshdarnit I would have.

In other news, we have our first Lamaze class tonight. Why in the world they don’t schedule those things for Saturdays, I have no idea. I’m most looking forward to getting a tour of the maternity ward. Supposedly they’re all private rooms, but we’ll see. Plus I get to decide if I (okay, we) want baby to hang out with us the entire time we’re locked up in the hospital or if we want to do it the “normal” way where they watch baby in the nursery most of the time. I’m undecided.

We planted flowers this weekend. And by we, I mean Nathan. And by flowers, I mean bushes and climbing varieties; no tulips or pansies here. Yet. I weeded out the backyard area (where those darn concrete cylinders used to be) and then weeded out the sidewalk in the back, then came around front to get all those dandelion plants that had taken over by the mailbox. I helped Nathan plant next to the mailbox and by then I was out of air/steam/breath. I think I was going through a hot flash. Smile It was really nice out when the clouds were covering, but once the sun came out, WHEW it was hot. So, I sat on the front porch while Nathan brought me water, and I watched the teeny tiny red bugs that have taken over; all while Nathan planted the other 2 climbing plants AND the bush. He’s so nice. Plus before that he mowed the lawn. And weed-whacked. He was my hero of the weekend! Meanwhile, besides the weeding I did, I was pretty useless. I can’t believe how winded I get anymore. Hopefully that’ll go away in 6-8+ weeks. Smile

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