Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Week 26, The end.

Last weekend we drove took the Greyhound bus from Pittsburgh to Ann Arbor, Michigan to meet our amazing friends Andy and Jenny. I partly say amazing since we never get to see them and we really miss being near them (and they’re pretty awesome people with the cutest kid in the world), and partly because they let us buy their SUV from them! Which is why we met them in Michigan. I haven’t taken a picture yet of our new car truck SUV because it’s been RAINY here. And I’m not standing out in the rain any longer than I have to. I carted around the 4 year old I babysit for and realized how much time it takes a kid to listen/ get out of the car. In other words, I’m glad I had a jacket with a hood on, because otherwise I could have swam away. Maybe I’m just impatient Smile 

Anyway, on our way home from Michigan we detoured a tad north in Ohio so we could visit Lake Erie, to a beach just northwest of Cleveland. It was about 75 degrees outside (the day before was freezing. This weather is crazy.) and beautiful! If it hadn’t have been so windy… sand+wind=sandstorm in my face. Oh well. At least we got a picture.


Nathan didn’t want to be in any pictures, or else this spotrighthere would have his mug in it. Oh well. Here I am at 26 weeks. Today, April 12, I started my 27th week, and got a nice email saying I only have 13 weeks to go! Our countdown clock is at 90 days.  If we at least had the baby’s room cleaned out and painted I’d probably feel a lot better. I’m sure we’ll get around to it. Eventually.

We found an amazing store in Pittsburgh (www.happybabycompany.com) that carries cloth diapers and tons of cool accessories and whatnot, and they offer a free cloth diapering class. So, we’re going to one, probably in May. We picked up a couple of diapers when we were there, because who knows? Maybe this one random diaper we picked up will be best for nighttime, while others leak. At least we’ll have it Smile Also, I’m (don’t cringe) looking at cloth wipes. (I know, I know.) We have tons of disposable wipes (and will likely need plenty more) but I’d like to try the cloth wipes. SO. I picked up a couple of yards of flannel today at a fabric shop and I plan on making some flannel diaper wipes! If I don’t like them as wipeys then we can use them as wash cloths. No biggie. At least they’re cute.

While I’m on the baby talk, when we were in Ann Arbor we stopped at a farmers market (no food, just crafts) and found some really cute burp cloths and…. something else but I don’t remember. They’re cute though. And just around the corner at a store called www.elephantearsonline.com we picked up a couple of these:


They’re nightlights! You can move them off their charging station and they’ll stay lit for 8+ hours, or you can turn them off and use them whenever you want. And they’re cute. Right now they’re sitting on the kitchen counter. Maybe I’ll eventually move them into baby’s room, but I think I want one next to my bed.

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