My parents are coming on Thursday! They haven’t seen Mason since he was 1 week old, and boy has he grown. Here are some pictures of the last week (or so).
Mason and Daddy: I picked this outfit (Mason’s, not Nathan’s) out long before Mason was born- the hat, pants, and onesie match! Plus there’s a blanket. And a bib. That’s right, he has them all. Spoiled? Nah.
Love this kid and his double chin.
Mason likes to lay on his back, but roll him over and he only lasts a few minutes! He’s working on rolling from his back to his belly, though. He’s getting soclose.
I took the picture above and didn’t want to show Nathan, so he pouted. He’s good at that
He was so busy talking to me that he didn’t realize I had the camera. Also, I guess the dogs might want their tennis ball from under the couch. It’ll probably be there next Christmas. Cool, now we don’t have to buy them anything.
We’ve started a bedtime routine- bath time, then story time in his room, we feed him and he drifts off to sleep (at which time we plop him in his crib and do a happy dance since our arms are now free). He might know about the party because he’s been waking up at 2am and wakes up every time he gets put back down in his crib. The little booger.
Nathan gave Mason his bath last night- all by himself for the first time! I always give the bath, and Nathan takes him away and dresses him, but we switched roles last night. It was funny seeing Nathan squish into the tub, along with the baby tub Thought we’d have to pry him outta there cause he sat on his leg funny! So proud that Mason made it out just fine and smelly mighty clean! Now daddy can give bath time more often! (Nathan, if you’re reading this, muahahaha.)
That’s all we’ve got this week. I’ll try to take pictures of Mason with his Gammy and Poppy when they visit! We’re so excited!