Here are the outtakes:
We’re wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Oh, and here are some bonus, not-Christmas related pictures, cause you know you want them.
Can you tell how excited he is about his hat and Reebok shoes?
Someone found his feet… it makes diaper changing a blast.
Mason also decided to start paying attention to the dogs. Up until now he pretty much ignored them, now he wants to pet them every time they come over (which is a lot.) We’re buying stock in hand wipes, since dog petting+hand eating= gross.
Mason is laughing at everything lately, and is just the happiest kid. He rarely cries, and *hope I don’t jinx myself* is sleeping through the night! Also, he’s getting the hang of eating cereal off a spoon (whew) so we’re going to have to put that into his routine too… I’m trying to get him to nap in his crib now, instead of on me (what can I say, I’m an enabler!) or in his swing. We love that swing, but within the next few months he’ll be too big for it and I’d like to have him prepared for naps when that happens.
I’m not sure if we’ll be back on here before the holidays, so Happy Holidays to everyone! Stay safe!